Taking a few sick-days

Filed: Blog @ 12:19pm on June 21, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 67

Hello loyal readers,

I am currently sick in bed with a sinusitis and a fever which Advils and Tylenols are having a hard time dealing with.

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Olivia Chapter 14: The girls

Filed: Olivia @ 2:52pm on June 16, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 573
This entry is part 14 of 15 in the series Olivia

“Hi, I am Olivia. You’re Chloe and Stephanie ?”

“Yes”, Stephanie replied as I sat on the mattress as far away as I could from them.

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Lizzie Chapter 22: Invitation

Filed: Lizzie @ 1:46pm on June 15, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 634
This entry is part 23 of 31 in the series Lizzie

After the talk with Kylie, I was sure I would have a good night sleep, but instead, there was a knock on the door which make me jump from my bed.

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Suzy and Jill Chapter 32: First Take

Filed: Suzy and Jill @ 2:36pm on June 14, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 943
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This entry is part 32 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

The drive home after work was just as exciting, with Jill caressing my thighs when we weren’t in traffic and making lustful comments about how hot she was.

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Lucy Chapter 9: Sleepwalking

Filed: Lucy @ 1:23pm on June 13, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 642
This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series Lucy

That evening, Catherine was sent home twice. Once to Lucy’s old apartment to collect clothes and bid farewell to her neighbours who might have been worried about her. A second time to her old apartment where she would continue her life as if nothing had happened.

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Susanna Chapter 35: Slave Simon

Filed: Susanna @ 2:41pm on June 10, 2011 One comment! :|   Word Count: 629
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This entry is part 35 of 40 in the series Susanna

Just as I was usually naked except when Dorothy wanted me to dress up, Simon was forced to stay entirely without clothes, but of course, cannot remove his chastity belt.

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A buffer is like a net

Filed: Blog @ 9:55am on June 10, 2011 One comment! :|   Word Count: 808

When an online writer who decides to publish daily chapters of his stories has a buffer, it’s kind of like a net for a circus performer.

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Cathy Chapter 11: Action

This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series Cathy

So there I was, standing in front of a bed with 12 people currently having sexual activities. I wouldn’t say they were having sex, simply because a lot of the action didn’t seem to be directly sexual.

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Pets Chapter 33(Richard): Bar Talk

Filed: Pets @ 6:59am on June 8, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 878
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This entry is part 34 of 40 in the series Pets

I never know when to arrive at events. I guess we once again arrived way too early because at the BDSM club, my initial impression was that only one patron was actually present on site.

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Harmony Chapter 18: Autopilot

Filed: Harmony @ 10:09am on June 7, 2011 One comment! :|   Word Count: 1,514
This entry is part 18 of 27 in the series Harmony

After I came back from the Orchard, I decided to sit on a bench in the town center, wondering how I should use my leadership skills to contribute to the share when Rita, our town elder sat next to me.

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Sam Chapter 14: Back to school

Filed: Sam @ 1:22pm on June 6, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 845
This entry is part 14 of 20 in the series Sam

I barely slept during the night, so when the sun began peeking on the horizon and illuminating my blinds, I jumped out of bed and once again tried all my clothes.

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What an impossible week

Filed: Blog @ 6:17am on June 4, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 603

Sadly, I am only human and that means that my creative writing process can be easily disrupted.

It’s been 12 months in a row that I have been writing more or less every day, since I began writing Suzy and Jill in the end of May 2010, and 11 months since I began publishing articles online.

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Floor plan in the Susanna Story

Filed: Background @ 6:42am on June 3, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 527

I recently found an old visio drawing of the floor plan for the apartment suites in Susanna, and with my current week, I thought it would be a perfect occasion to share it with you.

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Olivia Chapter 13: Terms

Filed: Olivia @ 9:56am on June 2, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 827
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This entry is part 13 of 15 in the series Olivia

Steven came back for me shortly after Ryan had left.

He was carrying a chair, but he sat on it backwards, his arms resting on the back rest.

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Pets Chapter 32(Candy): Going out

Filed: Pets @ 6:22am on June 1, 2011 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 749
This entry is part 33 of 40 in the series Pets

When Ellie initially mentioned the idea of going out to a public BDSM dungeon, I was completely against it. At least, she had the decency to ask me while Richard was in class to ensure I wasn’t shocked. After all, it’s not like it would be him performing in public.

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