Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Fri, Feb 14th
Annie and I took a shower together, during which there was some interesting foreplay.
It was clear to me that sexually speaking, Annie was rather interesting. She visibly enjoyed sex and even if I had reservations about dating a girl like her, she could make an excellent fuck buddy.
“What do you mean by next time?”
“Well, I mean the next time I come over and fuck your brain out. I mean, look at you, no orgasm. Doesn’t it feel a little unfair that I got to cum and you didn’t? Perhaps I can help you there…”, she replied, teasing me.
I woke up second, which is not something that occurs frequently.
Sue wasn’t in bed anymore, and her clothes weren’t in the room either. I left my bedroom without bothering to dress back up.
And so, here we were, in front of my door, seconds after our first fight in which I learned that I wasn’t just dating Sue, but that in a way, I was also expected to please Annie.
I was still shaking from my encounter with Annie when I finally collapsed on my bed.
In a way, I was happy I didn’t cede, because that could have very well been a test from Sue. Did you ever hear the joke about the teenage boy who is home at his girlfriend’s apartment and left alone with her sexy sister? The sister starts coming on to him saying she finds him sexy.
Left alone to my demise, I proceeded to clean the living room, knowing the kitchen would be next.
I know some men like to leave the cleaning up for the next day, but I don’t. I prefer doing the cleaning right away and having the next day free from the previous day’s worries.
The meal, like most fondue, lasted enough for the four of us to become well acquainted. I say four, because Gus didn’t really participate.
We sat down around the table, both couples on either side of the table and Nicole at the end opposite the food preparation area.
I opened the door to find an attractive redhead wearing a red cocktail dress. Oh, sorry, I should mention that she isn’t a redhead as in, with Irish descendants, but rather that she is dying her hair red. Don’t get me wrong, Sue is the sexiest of the two, but this girl must definitely turn heads too.
After I got Sue to scream my name a few times, we got dressed and reviewed the apartment.
To Sue’s disappointment, there was noting left to do to prepare for the party, so I made a mental note to let a few things to clean up in the future, perhaps leaving some dirty dishes to wash (even if I am a dishwasher) or a few towels drying in the bathroom.
There was a knock on my door at 4h50, with Sue arriving a good ten minutes early to help.
Arriving early is rude, I already explained it. But in this case, Sue was officially coming by to help me prepare for a party, in which case arriving early is indicated.
I left Sue’s apartment without actually eating breakfast with her. It’s not that I didn’t want to, but she seemed to prefer staying in bed and I didn’t want to impose myself.
I woke up still spooning Sue. I had fallen asleep as the big spoon but woke up with Sue’s breasts pressed against my back and her fingers playing with my chest hair.
After the supper with Sue, I left my car in the restaurant’s parking lot and we walked under the moonlight toward her apartment.
Friday couldn’t wait. Every day, I wondered if I should call Sue or not to talk and ended up only making a brief phone call Thursday evening to confirm our date.
I had carefully noted Sue’s phone number from my mirror and waited the mandatory 48 hours before attempting to call her.
My friends think that I am an hopeless romantic loser because I am trying to get myself a girlfriend from girls I meet in ordinary bars, when these girls usually just want a one night stand.