My changing story interests

Filed: Blog @ 5:56am on November 13, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 198

I began my blog to publish Suzy and Jill, which was my favorite story to write in a long time.

It brought me back to the days when I was writing Susanna. I knew it wasn’t masterpiece but I had a lot of fun to write it. The story just unfolded in front of my eyes as I was writing it. The same had occurred with Pets, 2 years ago.

Since I began writing my blog, Sam also began to inspire me intensely, writing several chapters in a row without a break.

Now, Lizzie and Harmony are my two new story whispered in my ear. I have a ton of background notes for both and I hope to be able to easily write chapters for multiple months, with frequent new Suzy And Jill as well a Pets chapters between them.

What I seem to have problems writing is a steady Thursday story, with Olivia full of promise for the future but stuck in my mind for the present chapters. I am still able to write new chapters, but not several in a row like the other stories until she gets out of her current house which isn’t due for several other chapters.

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