Susanna Chapter 9: Slave Party

This entry is part 9 of 40 in the series Susanna

Finally, I was 19. I woke up for the last time in my bed. Tonight, I would be sleeping in my new house; probably in bed with my new master. I was so excited. Read More…

Suzy and Jill Chapter 18: New Locks

This entry is part 18 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

Despite our emotionally strong commute, the rest of the day went rather well with Jill. We talked little about our relationship and focused on getting as much work done as possible.

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Pets Chapter 21(Ellie): Sapphic Evening

This entry is part 21 of 40 in the series Pets

Finally, we were home from supper. I must admit that eating out with my boyfriend was fun. Now that were back however, I could only think about my previous supper I finished eating on the floor, next to Candy. Read More…

Suzy and Jill Chapter 16: Ice Cream

This entry is part 16 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

Jill decided to pay the five of us to a trip to the ice cream parlour after supper. My kids were hyper excited for the rest of the evening but fortunately, we didn’t have problems tucking them in.

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Suzy and Jill Chapter 15: Lunch Plans

Filed: Suzy and Jill @ 6:42am on July 20, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 1,158
This entry is part 15 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

Jill did that next morning her first commute to work from my house. It should have been something natural compared to everything else we did, but there was a eerie impression I couldn’t shake when I was leaving our driveway.

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Lindsey Chapter 7: Engaged

This entry is part 7 of 11 in the series Lindsey

Lindsey and Alyssa got a few more small requests from customers. Taking a drink with one, eating a meal with another. Lindsey even hand fed one while Alyssa served as a foot rest. Read More…

Pets Chapter 18(Richard): Shower

Filed: Pets @ 6:36am on July 14, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 747
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This entry is part 19 of 40 in the series Pets

I had planned to only take a look at my  two girls in the cage but as soon as I came in the room, I noticed that one of the two girls had relieved herself. Read More…

Suzy and Jill Chapter 14: Sleepover

This entry is part 14 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

As planned, at the end of the day Jill and I picked up a few of her things and we quickly left for the house. Read More…

Pets Chapter 14(Candy): Sideview

This entry is part 15 of 40 in the series Pets

When Richard and Ellie started their scene, I stayed on the floor, moving only from time to time in order to get a full view of the action. Read More…

Lindsey Chapter 1: Misery

Filed: Lindsey @ 10:15am on July 7, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 898
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This entry is part 1 of 11 in the series Lindsey

The Mansion looked like it was frozen, unaffected by the passage of time or its use by it’s inhabitants. It looked cold, distant, uninterested as if it didn’t care what happens inside it’s walls. Read More…

Suzy and Jill Chapter 10: The Morning After

This entry is part 10 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

The next morning, only Jill was still in the bed when I woke up, but I quickly found Suzy in the kitchen wearing one of Jill’s dressing gown and drinking a glass of orange juice. Read More…

Suzy and Jill Chapter 9: A guest

This entry is part 9 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

The progress toward a poly-amorous relationship culminated a week later when Suzy found a babysitter and we got her to watch some of our homemade porn movies. Read More…

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