I use Microsoft OneNote for my writing

Filed: Blog @ 2:53pm on July 28, 2010 One comment! :|   Word Count: 237

Just in case you were wondering what I am using for my writing, it is OneNote 2010, from Microsoft.

I like several things about it, notably :

  • There are no save buttons. Every time you type a character, it is saved on disk. I no longer fear power failures.
  • There is only 1 OneNote file. I just open OneNote and all of my data is in it automatically.
  • It allows me to organize my stories by creating a section per story and multiple pages in each of the section, usually one per chapter
  • I can have multiple blocks of texts within a page which allows me to create one for the story and others for notes
  • Copy-pasting from One Note doesn’t create a ton of useless HTML like when I do it from Word
  • There are auto-correction of spelling mistakes but there is also a “look-up” button giving you access to several resources like a dictionnary

Here is a screenshot of my NSFWAuthor Section Group:

Screenshot of my OneNote top bar

My One Note Sections (Click to enlarge)

My NEXT section is used to tell me what is the day I need to write a chapter for. On this image, Wednesday is next so I need to either write a Pets chapter or a Lizzie chapter.

Each of the sections have multiple pages. The ones at the top are usually actual chapters but the ones at the bottom contain my notes for future chapters, including story arcs and various secrets.

One Response to “I use Microsoft OneNote for my writing”

  1. NSFW Author » My new writing technique Says:

    […] instead of writing in OneNote, like I used to do back in 2010, I am writing my stories directly in WordPress and often, publish […]

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