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Sam (formally called DanKun) is an upcoming serialized story to be published on Mondays, alternating with Lindsey.
The first chapter is was published on August the 2nd, with the 2nd chapter coming on August 9th and the 3rd on August 23rd.
Samuel was one of the rare highly successful teenage boys. He had good grades, good in sports, friends with every and was popular with kids in general and girls in particular.
On the morning of his 18th birthday, he woke up to realize he was now a sexy woman. Overnight, his body had changed without explanation.
I can tell you to expect nudity, threesomes, female bisexuality and sex. Lots of sex.
Please, don’t be turned off on how perfect Sam sounded. There is an explanation as to why that is happening. He isn’t my Mary Sue character (If any character is my Mary Sue, that would be the husband in Suzy and Jill, if you haven’t caught on yet).