Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Fri, Feb 14th
Since Lizzie arrived on Wednesdays, it became clear that there was no space for an alternate story.
Not only do I have a lot of future story ideas already planned for Lizzie, I even have future chapters already written but not yet ready for publication because they occur in the future. Only Harmony has the same treatment.
Pets is still a main story but doesn’t get enough attention because of Lizzie, making Cindy obsolete as a “filler” story.
However, Sam isn’t picking up the way I would have hoped and Mondays as now my biggest writer’s block causing me to move Cindy to Mondays as yet another alternate.
This puts Mondays with 1 main story (Sam) and 3 alternates to pick from when I am unable to move it forward.
As a reminded, Cindy has perhaps 6 to 8 chapters already written and only requiring editing prior to the publication. This will enable me to continue my 5 days per week schedule which I was afraid to be able to continue to commit to because of my Monday blues.
This means that in addition to Tuesdays, Wednesday and Fridays which were already secured for several weeks, Monday will now have sufficient steam to last 2010.
Thursdays are still a little fragile, but there is a new Cathy chapter now scheduled with another one planned to alternate with Olivia.