Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Fri, Feb 14th
Last week-end, I announced that updates would now be made on a daily basis instead of as soon as chapters were ready.
Let’s see where we are now with this change. I was unable to write for a full 3 days this week due to various problems. This almost never occurs, but despite this, my buffer for next week is full with Lindsey‘s story for the 26th already programmed and Suzy and Jill‘s story for the 27th almost completed.
I never have any problem coming up with new chapters for Lindsey and Suzy and Jill, either because they are simple to come up with ideas or because I have plenty of notes.
Pets is now at the beginning of 5 previously written chapters, so I will be able to publish one per week until almost September without writing a single word.
That leaves me with Susanna and Sylvana. Susanna is slowly approaching her time spent at the Slave Academy but because it will be published in a spin-off, that means that in a few chapters, I will enter a section of 10 to 25 chapters in a row that are already fully written and only need editing.
As for Sylvana, I had a break and was able to add 5 new chapters in the outline which were unplanned yet.
In short, I should be able to easily maintain my schedule for the rest of the summer.
Keep reading and please, post comments. They are my only “revenue” source.