Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Fri, Feb 14th
I am proud to announce that I have now over 100,000 words already scheduled on
Sure, some of the words are in blog entries and a big portion of the stories were already written in the past, but with each new chapter, the percentage of material written specifically for the website increases.
At this moment, here are the chapters written specifically for the website:
The rest of the chapters were written in the past and not meant for web publication.
What I find particularly interesting is that 4 stories didn’t even exist in my mind last June: Suzy and Jill, Lizzie, Sam and Cathy, and that another one, Helen, existed only as notes for a future story.
In fact, with Pets soon reaching it’s last chapter and with Cindy added to the rotation, only Susanna will have pre-existing chapters unpublished, bringing a new phase to my writing.
I plan to continue to honor my 5 weekly chapters commitment, and I am currently developing 4 new stories: Olivia, Harmony, Sue and Phil, to help me keep that promise.
I will then have 15 stories to choose from when writing new chapters, not counting the future Slave Academy story.