Olivia Story Introduction

Filed: Stories Introductions @ 4:04pm on September 30, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 265

Susanna lives in a world where every teenager, from the age of 19 to the age of 21, is a slave. Susanna was sold as a Class S (sexual) slave in an auction on her birthday and we can follow her adventures which are published every Friday.

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Harmony Story Introduction

Filed: Stories Introductions @ 3:53pm on September 30, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 349

The basics of Harmony were laid down in 2005 but the story notes were too restrictive and prevented me from moving the story forward until I decided to vastly change the story to open it up. The basic idea was a rich girl in the future forced by her parents to study in a poor university on another planet so that she would learn humility. I had notes on over 20 of her classmates and found the setting simply too vast for my writing skills.

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Olivia Chapter 2: In bed

This entry is part 2 of 15 in the series Olivia

Supper was pleasant and both Patrick and Emily had made nice chit-chat with me as if I was truly a member of the family.

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