Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Tue, Jan 21st
The first 8500 words of Cindy were written in June 2005 and were an experiment in writing more than anything else.
I had decided to write a completely introverted character to see how far I could take it. I had no plan on where to take the story as I was writing it and instead, used almost automatic writing to fill the story as it progressed.
That’s why in the first chapter, she has no idea where she is going: even I had no idea where she was going ! I just added obstacles until I would be forced into a path.
Eventually, Cindy decided to become a pony girl. Part of the research I did would be reused 3 years later in writing Pets, but Cindy is a little more intense than the light pony play played by Richard, Candy and now Ellie.
I have now scheduled the chapters of Cindy to run on Wednesdays, since I am almost out of pre-written Pets chapters and Lizzie cannot yet run as a primary: the back story isn’t entirely ready yet.
I do hope you’ll enjoy it !