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The room the client rented had a window showing the ocean. At first, Lindsey wondered how it was possible but the girl quickly realized that it was in fact a widescreen TV adjusted to look like a window.
Instead of a normal bed, the room had a circular mattress surrounded by realistic fake palm trees. While certain people might have found the setup cheesy, it suited the tastes of the client perfectly and neither girls really looked at the decor.
Both of them clearly remembered the steamy sex session they recently shared and were hoping for a rematch well knowing that most customers paying for a threesome really wanted to see some girl on girl action.
Instead, the client asked Alyssa to strip naked, which she promptly did without hesitation. Lindsey distinctly had a clear memory of having licked the red pubic hair almost still tasting it in her mouth.
The client took out a coin and flipped heads or tail without really telling either girls what his plan was. He announced that the red head had won the first round and he asked her to strip him naked.
Alyssa proceeded to sensually remove the clothes of the overweight man while Lindsey paid attention not to react since she had not received any instructions yet. If she understood the billing process, even if she did nothing at all the client would have to pay for her presence in the room.
But the client had other plans in mind. After he was naked, he asked Alyssa to suck him while requesting that Lindsey prepare a condom.
Once he was hard enough, he pushed Alyssa aside and had the new girl install the contraceptive. As soon as she was done, he forcibly took her by the waist and placed her directly in his lap, penetrating her in the process.
Alyssa stood back up but the man ignored her completely. Within seconds, he came without having even let Lindsey lubricate sufficiently.
As soon as he was done, he picked up the disappointed girl and threw her on the bed relatively violently.
He asked Alyssa to remove the condom and clean him up with a towel without so much addressing a word to Lindsey.
As soon as the red head was done, he dressed back up and left, stealing her bikini bottom Alyssa had been wearing earlier and closing the door violently.
Both girls looked at each other unable to start a conversion because of the absurdity of the situation. Their silence was broken by a radio announcement in the room.
“Good work girls. The client left a 50$ tip and took your numbers for future visits. You each get 800$ gross and Alyssa, you get 100$ gross, 40$ net, for the stolen bikini bottom. Next time, we’ll bill him 1400$ if he repeats the same experience. Wait 5 minutes before leaving to let us time to finish the billing.”
Lindsey seemed puzzled so Alyssa tried to help her out.
“It’s often like that. The client has a weird fantasy we don’t fully understand and which leaves us unsatisfied. Why do you think we are so horny at the end of the day ? At least, we made good money in less than 15 minutes.”
“I guess”, added Lindsey. “This isn’t what I expected”.
“Hey, looks like I am naked too for now. Want to tag team and try to score other gigs together ?”
“Sure. Maybe someone will pay to watch us go at it”
“Well, we have a room for now…”
“I really need to make money. This was my first gig. I don’t want to get lazy”.
The girls got the green light and left hand in hand to walk the area in search for an idle customer. Several were eating and Alyssa mentioned that many liked company to share their food. She admitted it didn’t pay much, but it was better than nothing.
Touring the restaurant, they spotted several man in business suits eating sushi by a lounge. One of them motioned them to come over and they told the two girls to lay down on their back on the low table. Once they were in place, they transferred the various sushi rolls on their stomachs and proceeded to directly serve themselves. A few even inserted their fingers inside the two girl’s pussies and used their lubrication as added sauce for their meal. One commented it was the perfect fish sauce.
After the meal was over, they simply left leaving the girls in place with uneaten pieces on them. A waitress came to help them with towels to clean up. She directed them to the restaurant console where they learned they had each made 600$.
Lindsey realized that at this rate, making 250,000$ gross per year wasn’t that hard. In less than 1 hour of work, she had already generated 1400$ in revenue without really doing anything.
If only she could get a fun gig…
July 21st, 2010 at 23:12
Thanks for fixing the link and for adding me and my pretty pink dress on fetlife. Much appreciate it.