Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Fri, Feb 14th
This week has been rather surprisingly pleasant for me thanks to Candy and Richard, but it’s not always the case.
Most of the time, we have mixed guests: some are swingers, some are nudists and others are just plain regular couples looking for a good time together without really caring about the other guests and without showing nude.
They just like the mood. They like being able to have a quickie by the side of the pool one evening where they look around to make sure they aren’t seen and ensure that the wife is wearing a long skirt to cover everything up.
They even generally try not to look at my nude body even if I can sometimes feel their eyes looking me over when I am not making eye contact with them.
I like those weeks. People are friendly, open-minded and generally having a good time. They know each guest comes from different backgrounds and accept their differences.
I sometimes even sees nudist couples sitting down for supper with a plain vanilla couple despite coming from completely different backgrounds.
Swingers-only weeks are generally my favourite weeks. I’ve heard swingers explain that what differentiates them from “normal” people is that they separate sex and love. As a result, they don’t mind being naked or having sex with half of the other guests. They still only love their wife or their husband.
They are usually very tolerant of other practices like BDSM, but generally simply do not understand them. They are often very superficial people and that’s fine too. It makes them take everything light-hearted and with a big dose of fun.
BDSM weeks are varied. Sometimes, like this week, we get nice folks who associate sex and BDSM but from time to time, we get a club which prohibits sexual contacts saying that BDSM is not sexual at all. Those weeks are the worst. You have people spanking each other, tying their partner by the side of the pool and for the climax, don’t even have sex.
For many of them, my own nudity offends them and I need to put some clothes on.
Fortunately, it’s rather rare and most of the BDSM weeks are fun even if I only fit with some of the guests so I never know in advance what kinds of weeks they will be even when the same club reserves the same week every year: their individual members attending varies and thus, the mood varies.
But what I definitely don’t look forward to are nudist weeks. Those are always my least favourite events. With my proclivity to avoid clothing nowadays you would think I would like them but the truth is quite elsewhere.
You see, nudists generally separate nudity and sex in such a way as they completely repress all sexuality during their stay.
Furthermore, because they reserved their week to use our hotel as a naturist resort, they expect all of our staff to be nude at all times, causing me problems as not all of my employees are comfortable doing their tasks in the nude, forcing me to either find ways to hide them or run with a reduced staff.
It also means that my employees willing to spend some time nude are forced to completely avoid clothes during those weeks because I need them to show that we support their lifestyle.
Roberta one of our barmaids likes to be naked when she is serving drinks by the beach and it’s really warm outside but prefers wearing a full barmaid uniform when working at an indoor bar. I’ve already respected that but some of the naturist clubs we host fail to understand that and I need to bribe Roberta to follow their wishes.
But the worst is that I don’t get to have any fun. When I was younger, just strolling around nude on the resort was fresh and new. Now that it’s my normal routine I miss those weeks being able to have sex with Pedro by the side of the pool or giving him a blow job on the beach.
I miss teasing him when he happens to be working in the nude so that he will sport an erection, something that is frowned upon by the nudists.
But more importantly, they actually manage to make me feel dirty for having sexual thoughts. They make me ashamed of who I am, a very sexual woman.
As a result, it’s not uncommon for my sex drive to sink to the absolute zero the days following their departure. I often even start wearing clothes again, avoiding the pool or the beach.
Pedro is usually the only one able to slap some sense back into me but even he needs to wait until I am ready to get slapped.
Only then will a hot tender sex escapade in my room with the muscular man will get me back to my old self.